Basic CRUD with MongoDB
In this week’s blog, we will explore basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities with a MongoDB. We will first go over the installation process for MongoDB on a Mac and Windows.
If you’re on a Mac, first install Homebrew by running the command /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
from your Terminal. Once Homebrew is installed, run brew tap mongodb/brew then brew install mongodb-community@4.4 on your Terminal to install MongoDB 4.4 Community Edition.
After installation, you can start MongoDB with the command brew services start mongodb-community@4.4 and to stop MongoDB, simply type in the command brew services stop mongodb-community@4.4
To begin using the Mongo Shell, from the Menu Bar, click on Shell, New Tab to open a new Terminal tab, type in mongo and you should see the screen blow:
For Windows machine, go to this page and select to download the msi package. For there, choose Complete as Setup Type and Install MongoDB as a Service on the Service Configuration screen, the rest of the fields can be left as is.
After the installation, from your Desktop, type env in the Search Bar and choose Edit the system environment variables. Click the Environment Variables button:
From System variables, click PATH, then click on the Edit… button. From the popup pane, paste in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin or wherever you chose to install MongoDB.
If you type mongo from the Windows Terminal or Command Prompt, you should see the MongoDB shell version number, as well as some system message stating you’re connected similar to this screen on a Mac:
That’s all for setup, let’s now explore some basic commands from the Mongo shell related to CRUD!
To show all databases:
show dbs
To create a new or switch to an existing database:
use nameOfDatabaseDB
If at this point you run show dbs again, you will notice our school database does not show up, that’s because it has no collections (or tables) in it, which brings us to the next command:
Create a new collection and get a list of collections
db.createCollection(‘collectionName’) and show collections
Now if you run the show dbs command, you will see our schoolDB shows up:
Now that we have a students collection to work with, let’s insert some documents (or rows) into it.
Inserting documents
db.students.insert( { field: value, field: value, field: value } )
Let’s insert a few more students into our collection, but this time, we will use the insertMany to insert multiple documents:
Inserting multiple documents
db.students.insertMany([{student1Obj}, {student2Obj}, {student3Obj])
As you can see, the first student has an address field (or column) that’s missing from the newly created three students, but we still successfully inserted them into our collection.
We can retrieve all entries with the following two commands:
Show all documents
db.nameOfCollection.find() or db.nameOfCollection.find().pretty()
To search for a specific student or students, we can put an argument within the find() command:
Search for a particular document
db.students.find( { field: value } )
For example, if we were trying to find the students who majors gaming:
To update a specific field, we use the update() command:
Updating or replacing a field
db.students.update( {name: ‘james’}, { $set: {field: value} })
If you put in a field that did not exist, Mongo will simply create that field. Let’s say we try to update the student with the name ‘James’ and give it a title like so:
To replace a whole document (or row), simply leave out the $set like so:
To delete a single field (column), such as name, age or grade in our example, we can use this command:
Deleting a field
db.students.update( {field: value}, { $unset: {age: “”} })
Renaming a field
To rename a field, use the $rename command
Deleting a document
To delete a document (row), simply call the remove command like so:
db.students.remove( {field: value} )
After deletion, we call the length() command and it correctly returns 3, which is the number of documents we have so much.
Let’s now create a teachers collection and see how we can delete it.
Drop a collection
To drop (delete) a collection, we call db.nameOfCollection.drop() command
Drop a database
And finally, we can drop the whole schoolDB. First we call the db command to make sure we are within the school database, then we can drop it with db.dropDatabase() command.
Next week we will explore more CRUD functionalities of MongoDB and see how it works with a Rails application. See you next week!